When my beloved and I were married in 69 we would never have imagined being grandparents someday. But in God’s providence we became parents, grandparents and now great grandparents.  

Psalm 127:3 comes to mind.  “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Both of us only knew our grandparents briefly. Both of our sets of parents died relatively early so most of our children didn’t know what a grandparent was. But the Lord has blessed us to be able to see three generations. We are thankful.

In keeping with National Grandparents Day today (9/9/18) we are blessed to announce the birth of our first great grandchild. Philippa Jane Whitaker Suko was born 9/4/2018 to Jorge & Naomi Whitaker Paris in Valdivia, Chile. All is well down under.

Philippa Jane.jpg

Little Philippa Jane will bring changes to our family with some young aunts and uncles. She is our first South American so that means we’ll need to learn some Spanish too. It will also expand our need to pray for her along with the others.  Our prayer would be as the psalmist prayed in Psalm 71:18 “And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to all who are to come.”

-Pastor Mark