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Psalm 144:4  "Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow." 

The past few days the shortness of life has filled a lot of my thinking.  Two dear godly friends of mine quietly flew away to Heaven yesterday.  Both of them had vibrant lives with loving families and solid purpose to life; serving God and serving other people (not serving themselves).  Neither of them had a bit of fear concerning eternity because of the confidence they had in Christ having paid the price to make them pure and holy before God.  

I greatly admire these two well lived lives and feel strongly challenged to reconsider the content of my days.  What better life could there be than to live every day wholeheartedly for God and other people.  "Only one life; it will soon be past.  Only what is done for Christ will last."  God bless the aching hearts of the families of Harold Hayes and Randy Van Hecke.

THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY LADIES:  Because I need to be with my husband and the Hayes family for the graveside service for Harold Hayes this Thursday morning we are going to delay our last Bible study time for 2 weeks.  Please note that we will meet on Thursday April 26th for a potluck brunch and last study on the attributes of God.  Thank you for being flexible with me.