
In April Mark and I attended a great conference of our fellowshiping churches in Meridian, Idaho.  Our main speaker, Philip DeCourcy, powerfully taught from 11 Timothy 2 and challenged us with many points God makes in that portion of Scripture.  Verse 22 particularly impressed my heart -"So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." The word for "flee" here means to be persistently on the run from what would rob us of God's blessing like a fugitive would flee.  What a great picture of how we must not lollygag around triggers to sin. 

A couple of other quotes from this conference I would like to share with you:  "Don't be weary in well-doing; persevere until another brighter day;" "Be willing to suffer so that people can be saved;" "Every Christian is either an evangelist or an impostor." Spurgeon  Those thoughts should give all of us something to ruminate on.

Ladies and children, you are all invited to my house this Thursday morning from 9:30-11 to enjoy coffee and fellowship.  As much as possible, we will be doing this throughout the summer.  Some weeks we may be going to other ladies homes.  Next week Yorleny has invited us to her home in Lakewood on Friday (so we won't be meeting at my house that week).  We will be carpooling from the church at 10 on May 11th.  Bring along something "brunchy" to share.